§ 7.02. Submission of Budget and Budget Measure  

Latest version.
  • (1) Scope. The annual budget must specify appropriations for capital expenditures and for expenditures directed by the City Council for services and for the operation of city departments, offices and agencies. It must comply with fund requirements of bond covenants.

    (2) Preparation. City department heads and officers shall submit budget requests for the next fiscal year to and as directed by the City Manager for review and consolidation. On or before the fifteenth (15th) day of August of the fiscal year, or such earlier date that the City Council may require, the City Manager shall submit to the City Council a budget for the ensuing fiscal year and an accompanying budget message.

    (3) Adoption. The City Council shall adopt the annual budget before taxes are levied, but after a public hearing or hearings. The City Council may amend the proposed budget, but shall not delete or decrease appropriations required for debt service, or for estimated cash deficit, or by law, and shall not authorize expenditures in excess of the total of estimated income plus funds available from earlier years.

    (4) Failure to Adopt. If the City Council fails to adopt the annual budget before the start of the fiscal year to which it applies, appropriations of the last budget adopted shall be considered as adopted for the current fiscal year on a month-to-month, pro-rata basis until the next budget is adopted.

    (5) Contents. The budget for the fiscal year shall contain, at a minimum, the following:

    (A) An ordinance authorizing adoption of the budget and appropriations.

    (B) An ordinance authorizing the levying of taxes.

    (C) A budget message, explaining the budget, shall set forth the reasons for salient changes from the previous fiscal year and shall explain any major changes in financial policy.

    (D) General fund revenue projections in detail.

    (E) A consolidated statement of receipts and expenditures of all funds.

    (F) Detailed estimates of expenditures by function, department, and activity, together with summaries thereof. This estimation of expenditures shall include an itemization of positions showing the number of persons having each title and the rate of pay.

    (G) A special funds section.

    (H) A description of all bond issues outstanding, showing rate of interest, date of issue, maturity date, amount outstanding, and a schedule of requirements for the principal and interest requirements of each issue of bonds.

    (I) Property valuations.

    (J) Proposed tax rate.

    (K) Tax levies and tax collections by year for the past five (5) years.

    (L) A Capital Improvements Program, as it may exist, generally covering a five (5) year span, which indicates proposed capital improvements, or improvements in the process of construction or acquisition.

    (M) Any additional information required by law.