§ 2-82.13. Members, organization and meetings

Latest version.
  • (a) The sewer committee shall consist of no fewer than five and no more than nine property owners or residents who are appointed by the city council. No more than one member of the city council and no more than one member of the planning and zoning commission may be appointed to the sewer committee without city council approval.

    (b) Members appointed by the city council shall serve indefinite terms. The appointed members serve at the pleasure of the city council and may be appointed or removed at the discretion of the city council.

    (c) Members of the sewer committee shall serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for actual expenses with prior approval by the city council.

    (d) The sewer committee will adopt rules to govern its proceedings that are consistent with this division, the City Charter and state law.

    (e) The committee will elect from the appointed members a chair, vice chair and secretary.

    (f) All committee meetings will be open to the public and shall be posted and conducted in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.

    (g) A quorum is four members.

    (h) All members present including the chairman shall vote on every motion. A member who abstains from a vote, with or without cause or conflict, shall have their vote recorded as "abstained" but no vote will be counted for or against the motion as though that member were not present.

    (i) The Committee shall keep minutes of its proceedings which shall be filed with the city secretary within 15 business days of the meeting.

    (j) The committee shall schedule at least once per month.

(Ord. No. 608, § III(C), 5-14-2013)