Granite Shoals |
Code of Ordinances |
Part II. Code Of Ordinances |
Chapter 32. Subdivisions |
Article VI. Requirements For Acceptance Of Subdivisions By The City |
§ 32-175. Construction procedures
(a) Site development permit required. A site development permit is required from the city prior to beginning any site development-related work in the city or its extraterritorial jurisdiction which affects erosion control, storm drainage, vegetation or tree removal or a floodplain.
(b) Preconstruction conference. The city may require that all contractors participating in the construction meet for a preconstruction conference to discuss the project prior to release of a site development or building permit, and before any filling, excavation, clearing or removal of vegetation and trees that are larger than six-inch caliper. All contractors shall be familiar with, and shall conform with, applicable landscaping provisions of the city.
(c) Conditions prior to authorization. Prior to authorizing release of a site development permit, the city engineer shall be satisfied that the following conditions have been met:
(1) The preliminary plat has been approved by the city council, and any conditions of such approval have been satisfied;
(2) All required engineering documents are completed and approved by the city engineer;
(3) All necessary off-site easements and dedications required for city-maintained facilities and not shown on the plat must be conveyed solely to the city, such as by filing of a separate instrument, with the proper signatures affixed. The original of the documents and the appropriate fees for filing the documents at the county, including the city's fees, county requirements, and the city's submission guidelines, as may be amended from time to time, shall be provided to the city secretary prior to approval and release of the engineering plans by the city engineer;
(4) All contractors participating in the construction shall be presented with a set of approved plans bearing the stamp of release of the city engineer, and at least one set of the approved plans shall remain on the job site at all times;
(5) A complete list of the contractors, their representatives on the site, and telephone numbers where a responsible party may be reached at all times must be submitted to the city; and
(6) All applicable fees must be paid to the city.
(d) NPS regulations and tree protection. Unless exempt, all NPS regulations, erosion controls, and tree protection measures and devices shall be in place, to the city engineer's satisfaction, prior to commencement of construction on any property.
(Ord. No. 549, § 10.267, 12-22-2009)