§ 38-231. Stage 3: Severe water shortage conditions (mandatory measures) initiation, termination, and response measures  

Latest version.
  • (a) Stage 3 trigger requirements for initiation. Customers shall be required to comply with the requirements and restrictions on certain nonessential water uses for stage 3 of this plan when (either, any of) the following conditions exist: or as determined by the mayor or his designee.

    (1) When, pursuant to requirements specified in the city wholesale water purchase contract with LCRA notification is received requesting initiation of stage 3 of the drought contingency plan or if initiation of stage 3 is requested by the Central Texas Groundwater Conservation District.

    (2) When total daily water demand equals or exceeds 95 percent of plant capacity for three consecutive days of 97 percent of plant capacity on a single day.

    (3) Continually falling treated-water reservoir levels that do not refill above 75 percent overnight

    (4) When, for groundwater systems, maximum daily usage exceeds 90 percent of the pumping system withdrawal capacity for three consecutive days.

    (b) Stage 3 trigger requirements for termination. Stage 3 of the plan may be rescinded when all of the conditions listed as triggering events have ceased to exist for a period of three consecutive days, or as determined by the mayor or his designee. Upon termination of stage 3, stage 2 becomes operative.

    (c) Stage 3 drought response measures: Severe water shortage.

    (1) Goal. Achieve a 30 percent reduction in daily water demand.

    (2) Supply management measures. In order to manage limited water supplies and/or reduce water demand, the city will:

    a. Reduce or discontinue flushing of water mains;

    b. Audit utility system for water loss and repair leaks;

    c. Discontinue irrigation of public landscaped areas except by hand held hose or bucket.

    (3) Mandatory water use restrictions. All requirements of stage 2 shall remain in effect during stage 3 except:

    a. Watering of landscaped areas is prohibited except with a handheld hose or a faucet-filled bucket or watering can of five gallons or less. Customers with odd-numbered street addresses may water on Wednesday and Saturday between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 10:00 a.m. and between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 12:00 midnight only. Customers with even-numbered street addresses may water on Thursday and Sunday between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 10:00 a.m. and between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 12:00 midnight only. The use of hose-end sprinklers, soaker hoses, drip irrigation systems and/or sprinkler systems of any type is prohibited at all times.

    b. No new landscapes may be installed.

    c. The watering of golf course tees is prohibited unless the golf course utilizes effluent from wastewater treatment.

(Ord. No. 575, § III(12), 10-25-2011)