Granite Shoals |
Code of Ordinances |
Part II. Code Of Ordinances |
Chapter 38. Utilities |
Article VIII. Drought Contingency Requirements |
Division 2. Stages |
§ 38-232. Stage 4: Critical water shortage conditions (mandatory measures) initiation, termination, and response measures
(a) Stage 4 trigger requirements for initiation. Customers shall be required to comply with the requirements and restrictions for stage 4 of this plan when the mayor or his designee determines that a water supply emergency exists based on:
(1) When, pursuant to requirements specified in the city wholesale water purchase contract with LCRA notification is received requesting initiation of stage 4 of the drought contingency plan or if initiation of stage 4 is requested by the Central Texas Groundwater Conservation District;
(2) Major water line breaks, or pump or system failures occur, which cause critical loss of capability to provide water service;
(3) Natural or manmade contamination of the water supply source;
(4) Any other emergency water supply or production/demand condition that the mayor or his designee determines that either constitutes a water supply emergency or is associated with a declaration of a drought worse than the drought of record; or
(5) When, for groundwater systems, maximum daily usage exceeds 95 percent of the pumping system withdrawal capacity for three consecutive days.
(b) Stage 4 trigger requirements for termination. Stage 4 of the plan may be rescinded when all of the conditions listed as triggering events have ceased to exist for a period of three consecutive days, or as determined by the mayor or his designee.
(c) Stage 4 drought response measures: Critical water shortage.
(1) Goal. Achieve a 40 percent reduction in daily water demand.
(2) Supply management measures. In order to manage limited water supplies and/or reduce water demand, the city will:
a. Reduce or discontinue flushing of water mains.
b. Audit utility system for water loss and repair leaks.
c. Discontinue watering of public landscaped areas.
(3) Mandatory water use restrictions. All requirements of stage 2 and 3 shall remain in effect during stage 4 except:
a. Use of water to wash any motor vehicle, motorbike, boat, trailer, airplane or other vehicle not occurring on the premises of a commercial car wash and commercial service stations and not in the immediate interest of public health, safety, and welfare is prohibited. Further, such vehicle washing at commercial car washes and commercial service stations shall occur only between the hours of 12:00 noon and 5:00 p.m.
b. The filling, refilling, or adding of water to swimming pools, wading pools, and jacuzzi-type pools is prohibited.
c. Operation of any ornamental fountain or pond for aesthetic or scenic purposes is prohibited except where necessary to support aquatic life or where such fountains or ponds are equipped with a re-circulation system.
d. No application for new, additional, expanded or increased-in-size water service connections, meters, service lines, pipeline extensions, mains or water service facilities of any kind shall be approved, and time limits for approval of such applications are hereby suspended for such time as this drought response stage or a higher-numbered stage shall be in effect.
e. The watering of landscaped areas is totally and absolutely prohibited.
(Ord. No. 575, § III(13), 10-25-2011)