§ 40-14. Industrial District, I
(a) Purpose of district. The Industrial District, I, is established to provide for light industrial uses that can meet applicable performance standards in areas that are mostly removed from existing residential and other commercial uses, but that provides sufficient access to major transportation routes. The district is intended to accommodate a wide variety of commercial services and light-intensity industries involving manufacturing operations provided that such use does not constitute a nuisance to surrounding property or residents. Further, such uses shall not be noxious or offensive due to odors, smoke, dust, noise, fumes or vibrations.
(b) Permitted uses. Within the Industrial District, I, no building, structure, or land shall be used for any purpose other than the following:
(1) Light manufacturing, fabrication, assembly or processing of goods or materials, products or equipment.
(2) Public buildings and facilities.
(3) Public utilities.
(4) Repair, servicing, painting, packaging or cleaning of goods, materials, products, or equipment.
(5) Research, development and testing activities.
(6) Warehousing and distributing operations.
(7) Contractor's yard.
(8) Swimming pool sales and service.
(9) Machinery, heavy equipment or truck sales and service.
(10) Commercial cleaning and laundry.
(11) Wholesale distributor.
(12) Repair facility 2.
(13) Other uses similar to the stated permitted uses, consistent with the purpose and intent of the district and in compliance with the performance standards for this district.
(c) Accessory uses. Accessory uses shall be permitted in a main building or in a separate on-premises facility provided that such ancillary use is demonstrably related to the permitted principal use and provided primarily for the convenience, use and service of occupants of that principal use. Accessory uses shall include the following:
(1) Office, administrative or sales facilities incidental to or in support of any of the principal permitted uses.
(2) Facilities provided for the benefit of employees including cafeteria, day care facilities, employee training and meeting areas, and recreation facilities.
(3) Facilities for the safety, security and operation of the principal permitted use including site security offices, firefighting facilities, first aid stations and caretaker facilities.
(4) Portable or temporary buildings shall be permitted, subject to all applicable ordinances related thereto. A portable or temporary building of less than 500 square feet shall be allowed only when incidental to the construction of a permanent structure, and shall be removed when the permanent structure is completed.
(5) Other accessory uses customarily incidental to any permitted principal use.
(d) Performance standards. It is the intent of this section to prevent any use or operation, including those permitted by this chapter, from creating a dangerous, injurious, noxious or unreasonably objectionable condition so as to adversely affect areas outside of the district. Specifically, all uses shall operate in conformance with the following standards set forth in this subsection:
(1) Screening. No more than 50 percent of the lot or tract shall be used for the open storage of products, materials or equipment. Outside storage and trash receptacles shall not be located in the front yard setback, and shall be enclosed from view of the general public by a solid or equally screened gate or fence constructed of either brick, stone, masonry or wood. The fence shall be a minimum of six feet tall. Where an industrial use abuts a residential district, a solid fence with a minimum height of eight feet shall be provided along the entire common boundary of the industrial use and the residential district. No outside storage or trash receptacle shall be higher than the height of screening. All screening shall be maintained in a safe and sightly condition at all times. All commercial dumpsters shall be serviced from owner's property. All nonconforming commercial dumpsters must be in compliance within 90 days after the effective date of the ordinance from which this subsection is derived. A required screening wall or fence may not have more than ten square inches of openings in any given square foot of surface. Access through required screening may be provided only by a solid gate equaling the height of the screening.
(2) Noise. Where an industrial use abuts a residential district, noise shall not exceed the standards set forth in this subsection. Noise shall be measured at the common boundary of the Industrial District and the residential district. The measurement of sound shall be done with an A-weighted filter constructed in accordance with the specifications of the American National Standards Institute. The maximum permitted sound levels measured in decibels for the Industrial District abutting residential uses shall be 95 decibels. Noise above this standard will be permitted only five seconds, twice per hour, and only four times per day between 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 pm, on workdays only. Impact noise shall be measured using the fast response of the sound meter. Noise resulting from temporary construction activity shall be exempted from this section.
(3) Vibration. All machines shall be mounted so as to minimize vibration and no vibration shall be produced which is discernible without the aid of instruments at the boundary of the Industrial District.
(4) Air pollution. All uses within the Industrial District shall operate in compliance with the most current revision of the regulations of the state air control board pertaining to the control of air pollution.
(5) Noxious odors. The emission of any odors which are discernible without the aid of instruments shall be prohibited beyond the boundaries of the Industrial District.
(6) Toxic and liquid wastes. The discharge of any toxic or liquid waste material into any outdoor area, drainageway or watercourse shall be prohibited. The disposal of all toxic and liquid wastes shall be performed in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws and the city's most recent standards for industrial pretreatment.
(7) Electromagnetic interference. No use or operation shall be conducted which adversely affects the performance of electromagnetic devices or receivers of electronic signals, including televisions and radios, outside of the boundaries of the property on which the operation occurs.
(8) Lighting. No premises or parking area shall be lighted in such a manner as to provide direct glare into an adjoining residential district. All lighting in the Industrial District shall be hooded or shielded so that the light source is not directly visible from residential areas and public streets to avoid a hazard.
(9) Landscaping. Uses within the Industrial District shall be landscaped and maintained in such a manner to effectively lessen the impact of parking areas, to screen storage areas from view by the general public and to provide a buffer between Industrial uses and abutting residential uses. A ten-foot buffer strip shall be maintained between all parking areas, roads, or storage areas and abutting residential districts. Trees with a minimum one inch caliper size shall be planted and maintained every 20 feet along the buffer with a residential district. Parking, loading areas and outdoor storage area which are visible from the public right-of-way shall be buffered by a row of evergreen shrubs planted at the perimeter of such areas. A landscaped street yard shall be maintained along a minimum of five feet of the property, excluding access driveways, parallel to and immediately behind the right -of-way line of a dedicated public street. One tree, with a minimum one inch caliper shall be planted and maintained for each 20 feet of frontage along the public right-of-way.
(e) Height, area and setback requirements.
(1) Height. The height of buildings in the Industrial District shall only be limited in areas abutting residential districts. The height on building and other improvements shall not exceed 35 feet within the first 100 feet from any perimeter abutting a residential district.
(2) Area. The ground level square footage of all buildings and improvements other than street and parking areas shall not exceed 60 percent of the total area of each lot.
(3) Side yard. A side yard of 20 feet shall be required when property zoned Industrial District, abuts residential districts, said side yard to be adjacent to such residentially zoned property. Otherwise, no side yard shall be required on one side, and a minimum side yard of 12 feet shall be required on the other. In no case may a building occupy any part of a public utility easement.
(4) Rear yard. A rear yard of 20 feet shall be required when property zoned Industrial District abuts residential districts, otherwise the rear yard shall be 15 feet.
(5) Front yard. A front yard of 20 feet shall be required when property zoned Industrial District is adjacent to a residential district or residential use, otherwise the front yard shall be 15 feet. The term "adjacent" means the nearest or closest to, even when separated by an intervening street.
(Ord. No. 409, § XIII, 8-24-2004; Ord. No. 409-D, §§ 2.F, 2.G, 6-22-2010)