§ 40-27. Planned Development District, PD

Latest version.
  • (a) Purpose. The Planned Development District, PD, is a district that accommodates planned associations of uses developed as integral land use units such as industrial districts, offices, retail, commercial or service centers, shopping centers, residential developments of multiple or mixed housing including attached single-family dwellings or any appropriate combination of uses that may be planned, developed or operated as integral land use units either by a single owner or a combination of owners. A PD district may be used to permit new or innovative concepts in land utilizations not permitted by other zoning districts in this section. While greater flexibility is given to allow special conditions or restrictions which would not otherwise allow the development to occur, procedures are established herein to ensure against misuse of increased flexibility.

    (b) Permitted uses. An application for a PD district shall specify the base district (i.e., residential, retail, commercial) and the use or the combination of uses proposed. Uses that may be permitted in a PD are specified in the provisions of the zoning ordinance relating to each base district and must be specified if not permitted in the base district. In the case of residential PD district for single-family or duplex categories, the proposed lot area shall be no smaller than the lot sizes allowed in the base zoning district except for minor changes in a small percentage of the lots in order to provide improved design. In selecting a base zoning district, the uses allowed in the base district must be similar to or compatible with those allowed in the PD district. PD designations shall not be attached to conditional use permit requirements. Conditional use permits allowed in a base zoning district are allowed in a PD district only if specifically identified at the time of PD approval.

    (c) Planned development requirements. Development requirements for each separate PD district shall be set forth in the amending ordinance granting the PD district and shall include, but may not be limited to: uses, density, lot area, lot width, lot depth, yard depths and widths, building height, building elevations, coverage, floor area ratio, parking, access, screening, landscaping, accessory buildings, signs, lighting, project phasing or scheduling, management associations and other requirements as the city council and the planning and zoning commission may deem appropriate.

    (1) In the PD district, uses shall conform to the standards and regulations of the base zoning district to which it is most similar. The base zoning district shall be stated in the granting ordinance.

    (2) The ordinance granting a PD district shall include a statement as to the purpose and intent of the PD granted therein. A specific list is required of modifications in each district or districts and a general statement citing the reason for the PD request.

    (3) The minimum acreage for a planned development district request shall be one acre.

    (4) In establishing a Planned Development District, PD, the city council shall approve and file as part of the amending ordinance appropriate plans and standards for each Planned Development District, PD. To facilitate understanding of the request during the review and public hearing process, the planning and zoning commission and city council shall require a conceptual plan of the proposed project. A detailed site plan may be submitted in lieu of the conceptual plan.

    (d) Conceptual and detailed site plan. This plan shall be submitted by the applicant at the time of the PD request. The plan shall show the intent for the use of the land within the proposed Planned Development District, PD, in a graphic manner and as may be required, supported by written documentation of proposals and standards for development. The city may prepare application forms that further describe and explain the following requirements:

    (1) Residential conceptual plan. A conceptual plan for residential land use shall show general use, thoroughfares and preliminary lot arrangements. For residential development (such as multifamily) which does not propose individual platted lots, the conceptual plan shall set forth the size, type and location of buildings and building sites, access, density, building height, fire lanes, screening, parking areas, landscaped areas, project scheduling, and other pertinent development data.

    (2) Nonresidential conceptual plan. A conceptual plan for uses other than residential uses shall forth the land use proposals in a manner to adequately detail the type and nature of the proposed development. Data that may be submitted by the applicant, or required by the planning and zoning commission or city council, may include but is not limited to the types of uses, topography and boundary of the PD area, physical features of the site, existing streets, alleys and easements, location of future public facilities, building height and location, parking ratios, project scheduling and other information to adequately describe the proposed development and to provide data for approval, which is to be used in drafting the final detailed site plan.

    (3) Detailed site plan. This plan shall set forth the final plans for development of the Planned Development District, PD, and shall conform to the data presented and approved on the conceptual plan. Approval of the detailed site plan shall be the basis for issuance of a building permit, but does not release the applicant of the responsibility to submit plans to the building official for a building permit. For any residential district, a preliminary plat may qualify as the detailed site plan. The detailed site plan may be submitted for the total area of the PD or for any sections or part as approved on the conceptual plan. The detailed site plan shall include:

    a. A site inventory analysis including a scale drawing showing major existing vegetation, natural watercourses, creeks or bodies of water and an analysis of planned changes in such natural features as a result of the development. This shall include delineation of any floodprone areas.

    b. A scale drawing showing any proposed public or private streets and alleys; building sites or lots; and areas reserved as parks, parkways, playgrounds, utility easements, school sites, street widening and street changes; the points of ingress and egress from existing streets; general location and description of existing and proposed utility services, including size of water and sewer mains; the location and width for all curb cuts/drive approaches and the land area of all abutting sites and the zoning classification thereof on an accurate survey of the tract with a topographical contour interval or not more than five feet.

    c. A site plan for proposed building complexes showing the location of separate buildings and the minimum distance between buildings, and between building and property lines, street-lines, and alley lines. Also to be included on the site plan is a plan showing the arrangement and provision of off-street parking.

    d. A landscape plan showing turf areas, screening walls, ornamental planting, wooded areas and trees to be planted.

    e. Architectural drawings (elevations, etc.) showing elevations and signage style to be used throughout the development in all districts (except single-family and two-family dwellings) may be required by the planning and zoning commission or the city council if deemed appropriate.

    f. All detailed site plans may have supplemental data describing standards, regulations or other data pertinent to the development of the Planned Development District, PD, as appropriate to adequately explain or understand the request and is to be included in the text of the amendment to the zoning ordinance incorporating the PD district.

    (e) Approval process and procedure. The process for establishing a Planned Development District, PD, shall be as follows:

    (1) The planning and zoning commission or the city council may approve the conceptual plan or detailed site plan or any section of the plan, separately or jointly, in public hearings. One public hearing at the planning and zoning commission and one at the city council for the PD district request is adequate when:

    a. The applicant submits adequate data with the request for the Planning Development District, PD, to fulfill the requirement for a detailed site plan; or

    b. Information on the conceptual plan and attached application is sufficient to determine the appropriate use of the land and the development plan will not deviate from it.

    (2) The conceptual plan must be approved by the planning and zoning commission and city council prior to approval of the detailed site plan.

    (3) Conceptual and/or detailed site plan approval.

    a. The detailed site plan may be approved in sections. When a detailed site plan is approved in sections, then separate approvals by the planning and zoning commission and city council for the initial and subsequent sections will be required.

    b. A detailed site plan shall be submitted for approval within one year from the approval of the conceptual plan for some portion of the conceptual plan. If a partial site plan is not submitted within one year, the conceptual plan is subject to review by the planning and zoning commission and city council. If some portion of the entire project is not started within two years, the planning and zoning commission and city council may review the original conceptual plan to ensure its continued validity. If the city determines the concept is not valid, a new conceptual plan must be approved prior issuing a building permit for any portion of the PD district.

    c. Although a public hearing may not be required for the detailed site plan, approval by the planning and zoning commission and city council is still required.

    (f) Written report from city manager concerning impact. When a PD district is being considered, a written report from the city manager discussing the impact on planning, engineering, water utilities, electric, sanitation, building inspection, tax, police, fire, and traffic and written comments from the applicable public agendas (such as the school district and utility companies) may be submitted to the planning and zoning commission prior to the commission making any recommendations to the city council.

    (g) Approved PD districts referenced on zoning map. All Planned Development Districts, PD, approved in accordance with the provisions of this section in its original form, or by subsequent amendments thereto, shall be referenced on the zoning district map, and a list of such PD districts, together with the category of uses permitted therein, shall be maintained as part of this section.

(Ord. No. 409-F, § 2, 3-27-2012)