§ 40-4. Establishment of zoning districts and boundaries, and governing building codes
(a) Districts established. For the purpose of this chapter, the city is hereby divided into districts as follows:
Single-Family Residential District R-1, R-1D Multifamily Residential District R-2 Mobile Home Residential District M-1 Mobile Home Park District M-2 General Business District One GB-1 General Business District Two GB-2 Industrial District I Agricultural District AG Recreational Vehicle Park RVP (future use) (b) Zoning map. The location and boundaries of the districts herein established are shown upon the official zoning map, which is hereby incorporated into this chapter. Said zoning map, together with all notations, references and other information shown thereon and all amendments thereto, shall be as much a part of this chapter as if fully set forth and described herein. The zoning map is maintained at city hall.
(c) Fee. Any fees or assessments relating to lot ownership will revert back to the original plat in the case of re-plat or lot consolidation.
(d) Building codes. The city has adopted the International Building Code, 2006 edition, with its and the city's amendments thereto. These codes shall apply to all construction.
(e) Permitted uses are listed for the various districts. Unless the contrary is clear from the context of the lists or other regulations of this chapter, uses not specifically listed are prohibited.
(f) Used buildings. Except as provided in this section, no building which is not constructed of new materials, shall be designated for use for any purpose or in any manner moved, relocated or permanently installed within the corporate limits of the city; provided, however, mobile homes, Texas manufactured housing, or Texas industrialized housing, which are no older than five years of age, and buildings for which the principal use is primary or secondary educational facilities, and portable and temporary buildings complying with other sections of this chapter shall be exempt from this section.
(Ord. No. 409, § VI, 8-24-2004; Ord. No. 409-A, § 4, 12-7-2006)