§ 40-5. General compliance for all districts
(a) All electrical meters loops shall be located on the building structure. If there is a problem related to the length or access to the electrical source the city's building official may approve a secondary utility pole. Temporary electrical meters shall be located on a pole on the property, or the easement adjacent to the property, during the construction of a permitted structure.
(b) Surface area of any building facade facing a public street must be at least 85 percent glass, rock, wood, masonry, copper, vinyl siding, aluminum siding, hardy board or combination of these materials. Metal fabricated sheets are not an acceptable siding material in residential areas, except for accessory storage buildings. Except for accessory storage buildings, sheets of pressed wood or plywood material are not considered acceptable as wood or masonry for the building facade facing a public street. For purposes of this section, a sheet is 12 inches or more in width.
(c) Properties owned or leased by the city are exempt from the use and development requirements that are set forth in this section.
(Ord. No. 409-C, § II.B, 8-13-2008)