§ 8-132. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • Where terms are not defined, they shall have their ordinary accepted meaning within the context with which they are used. The following terms are defined and shall apply to all sections of this code unless defined elsewhere in the Code:

    Building means any structure built for the support, shelter or enclosure of persons, animals, chattels or property of any kind, which has enclosing walls of 50 percent of its perimeter.

    Carrion means dead or decaying animal, fowl, or fish.

    Commercial motor vehicle means a motor vehicle other than a motorcycle, designed or used for:

    (1) Transportation of property; or

    (2) Delivery purposes.

    Enforcement authority means the City Manager of Granite Shoals or the person or department to whom the city manager may delegate the enforcement responsibility.

    Hazardous waste means toxic, caustic, or flammable materials.

    Infectious waste means waste containing pathogens or biologically active material capable of transmitting disease such as animal and human blood or body parts, microbiological, and pathological waste, needles, syringes, and sharps.

    Junk means used metals, materials, equipment, appliances, furniture, tires, engines, and parts, and other manufactured or raw goods that are so worn, deteriorated, or obsolete as to make the item unusable or inoperable in their existing condition, or is a potential safety or health hazard.

    Nuisance means:

    (1) Any attractive nuisance which may prove detrimental to children whether in a building, on the premises of the building or upon an occupied premise, including but not limited to an abandoned well, shaft, basements, excavations, discarded refrigerators, unsecured vacant building, motor vehicles, unprotected swimming pools, or any structurally unsound fences or structures, or any gasoline, chemicals, lumber, trash, debris or vegetation which may prove a hazard for inquisitive children.

    (2) Whatever is dangerous to human life or is detrimental to health and is contrary to the public health, safety or welfare.

    (3) Inadequate or unsanitary sewage or plumbing facilities, allowing sewage on lots, grounds, yards or any other place in the city, contrary to the public health, safety or welfare or in violation of the codes and ordinances of the city and state.

    (4) Uncleanliness, contrary to the public health, safety or welfare or in violation to the codes and ordinances of the city and state.

    (5) Whatever renders air, food or drink unwholesome or detrimental to the health of human beings, public health, safety or welfare, or in violation of the codes and ordinances of the city and state.

    (6) Graffiti of any type.

    (7) Keeping, storing, or accumulating rubbish, including newspapers, refrigerators, furniture, tires, cans, etc. on premises in a neighborhood for ten days or more.

    (8) Maintaining premises in a manner that creates an unsanitary condition likely to attract or harbor mosquitoes, rodents, vermin, or disease-carrying pests.

    (9) Sewage, human excreta, wastewater, garbage, or other organic waste deposited, stored, discharged or exposed in such a way as to be a potential instrument or medium in disease transmission to a person or between persons.

    (10) A vehicle or container that is used to transport garbage, human excreta or other organic material and that is defective and allows leakage or spilling of contents.

    (11) A collection of water in which mosquitoes are breeding in the city limits.

    (12) A place or condition harboring rats or breeding flies in a populated area.

    (13) Any public nuisance known at common law or in equity jurisdiction or as defined by codes or city ordinances.

    (14) Overcrowding a room with tenants.

    Objectionable, unsightly, or unsanitary matter means any matter or object which is offensive to ordinary sensitivities of a person, is not conducive to high aesthetic appearance and quality of a home or neighborhood, or is a health or safety hazard or a potential health or safety hazard.

    Open storage means the unscreened storage of new or used materials, salvaged items, vehicle parts, or any item that will cause deterioration of property values.

    Owner means any person claiming the ownership or title of real property, including but not limited to:

    (1) Holder of fee simple title.

    (2) Holder of life estate.

    (3) Holder of a leasehold estate for an initial term of five years or more.

    (4) A buyer in possession, or having right of possession under a contract or deed.

    (5) A mortgagee, receiver, executor, or trustee in possession or control or having right of possession or control of real property

    (6) Any agent who is responsible for managing, leasing, or operating of property.

    Pool means a permanent swimming pool, spa, hot tub over 18 inches deep if public or semipublic, and three feet deep if private, located at ground level, above the ground, or below ground, filled or empty.

    Premises means any parcel, lot or tract of land, including any structure, building, landscaping, trees, or other structure or improvement located thereon.

    Refuse/rubbish means all decaying and nondecaying solid waste, (except body waste) including, but not limited to, garbage, rubbish, ashes, cans, papers, boxes, glass, and other matter commonly understood as rubbish.

    Screening wall means wood, masonry, vegetation, or a combination of both at least but no more than six feet in height.

    (1) Screen walls shall mean a solid, opaque screening fence or wall at least six feet in height;

    (2) Vegetation consisting of solid hedgerow or evergreen shrubs, or trees and shrubs, providing full screening from the ground to a minimum of six feet;

    (3) Any combination of the above; or

    (4) Any other form of compatible and appropriate screening as approved by the city.

    Structure means any residential building, nonresidential building, dwelling, condominium, townhouse, apartment unit, detached garage, shed, awning, fence, screening wall, sign, swimming pool, excavation, any edifice, erection of material, or any other improvement placed or located on any property within the city.

    Tenant means any person or agent who occupied a structure or property.

    Unsafe building means a building which is dilapidated, substandard, structurally unsound or dangerous and unfit for human habitation and is a hazard to the public health, safety, and welfare, or is unoccupied by its owners, lessees, or other invitees and is unsecured from unauthorized entry to the extent that it could be entered or used by vagrants or other uninvited persons as a place of harborage or could be entered or used by children.

    Unwholesome matter means any condition, object, or matter, whether decaying or nondecaying which may produce injury, disease or death to human beings, directly or indirectly.

(Ord. No. 511, § IV, 4-3-2008)