§ 18-2. Cost recovery  

Latest version.
  • (a) Individuals, including city residents or property owners, may be subject to a charge per call based on the fee structures shown in attachment A (fire department fee list) to the ordinance from which this article is derived if the incident or emergency resulted from carelessness or is deemed to be a result of violation of local, state or federal law.

    (b) The city shall collect fees and may use a third-party vendor for such collection. Such fees may include reimbursement for all equipment, materials, maintenance, and overhead expenses and any costs which constitute full reimbursement to the city for services actually rendered.

    (c) Within 30 days of providing the services, the fire chief or his designee shall submit an invoice for all costs, fees, charges and expenses related to providing the services in the amount set forth in attachment A to the ordinance from which this article is derived, to the property owner or the owner's designated representatives and insurance companies. All such bills are to be paid within 60 days of the receipt thereof. Interest shall accumulate thereafter on any unpaid balance at an annual percentage rate of ten percent.

    (d) The city may enforce the provisions of this article by civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction for the collection of any amounts due hereunder, plus applicable attorneys fees, costs and expenses and any other relief that may be appropriate.

    (e) The fee structure in attachment A to the ordinance from which this article is derived shall be reviewed on an annual basis by the fire chief, who shall provide a report to the city council.

(Ord. No. 567A, § 3, 9-23-2011)