Granite Shoals |
Code of Ordinances |
Part II. Code Of Ordinances |
Chapter 32. Subdivisions |
Article III. Improvement Design Standards |
§ 32-79. Arrangement of streets not shown on the thoroughfare plan
(a) For streets that are not shown on the city thoroughfare plan, such as local residential streets, the arrangement of such streets within a subdivision shall:
(1) Provide for the continuation or appropriate projection of existing streets from or into surrounding areas;
(2) Conform to a plan for the neighborhood approved or adopted by the city council to meet a particular situation where topographical or other conditions make continuance or conformity to existing streets impractical;
(3) Provide for future access, such as by stubbing streets for future extension, to adjacent vacant areas which will likely develop under a similar zoning classification or for a similar type of land use; and
(4) Not conflict in any way with existing or proposed driveway openings.
(b) Residential collector streets and minor residential streets shall be laid out such that their use by through traffic will be discouraged, such as via circuitous routes or multiple turns or offsets, but such that access is provided to adjacent subdivisions. Wherever the right-of-way width of a collector or residential street must transition to a greater or lesser width, such transition shall occur along the front, side or rear lot lines of adjacent lots and shall not occur within the street intersection. In other words, the right-of-way width shall be the same on both sides of the street intersection.
(c) Where a subdivision abuts or contains an existing or proposed arterial street, the city council may require marginal access streets, reverse frontage lots, which back onto the arterial, deep lots with rear service alleys, or such treatment as may be necessary for adequate protection of residential properties and to afford separation of through and local traffic.
(d) Reserve strips controlling access to streets shall be prohibited except where their control is definitely placed by the city under conditions approved by the city council.
(e) Intersecting, undivided streets with centerline offsets of less than 150 feet shall be avoided. Intersecting streets onto an existing or future divided roadway must be configured such that the centerline offset will accommodate the appropriate median opening and left-turn lanes, with required transition and stacking distances, onto each divided roadway.
(f) Major thoroughfare intersections shall be at 90-degree angles and tangents to the intersecting street for at least 50 feet. Other street intersections shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles, and no street shall intersect at less than 80 degrees.
(g) Street right-of-way widths shall be as shown on the thoroughfare plan and as defined by the corresponding roadway cross sections in the comprehensive plan.
(h) Construction of half streets shall be prohibited, except when essential to the reasonable development of the subdivision in conforming with the other requirements of this chapter and the thoroughfare plan, and where the city council makes a determination that there is no immediate benefit to be gained by constructing the full street section since no access from the street will be needed by the subdivision in question. The city council may also find that it would be more practical, or cost effective, to delay construction of the other half of a street until when the adjoining property is developed. If the applicant is responsible for one-half of the street, then the applicant shall either construct the facility along with his development or shall provide escrow for the construction cost of his share of the facility unless the city participates in the construction of the facility. Whenever a partial street has been previously platted along a common property line, the other portion of the street right-of-way shall be dedicated such that the right-of-way is increased to the street's ultimate planned width. Improvements shall be made to all on-site facilities as defined in section 32-10
(i) The maximum length of any block or street segment shall be 2,000 feet and the minimum length of any block or street segment shall be 500 feet, as measured along the street centerline and between the points of intersection with other through, not dead-end or cul-de-sac streets.
(j) A cul-de-sac street shall not be longer than 600 feet, and at the closed end shall have a turnaround bulb with an outside pavement diameter of at least 80 feet and a right-of-way diameter of at least 100 feet. The length of a cul-de-sac shall be measured from the centerline of the intersecting street to the centerline of the cul-de-sac bulb.
(k) The commission may recommend, and the city council may approve, exceptions for overlength streets or culs-de-sac, whether temporary or permanent, upon considering the following:
(1) Alternative designs which would reduce street or cul-de-sac length;
(2) The effect of overlength streets upon access, congestion, delivery of municipal services, and upon convenience to residents of the subdivision in traveling to and from their homes; and
(3) Means of mitigation, including but not limited to additional mid-block street connections, limitation on the number of lots to be served along an overlength street segment or cul-de-sac, temporary or permanent points of emergency access, and additional fire protection measures.
(l) Except in unusual cases, no dead-end streets will be approved unless such dead-end streets are provided to connect with future streets on adjacent land. In the case of dead-end streets which will eventually be extended into the adjacent subdivision, no more than one lot per side can front onto the dead-end street stub unless a temporary turnaround bulb, with an off-site easement, is provided at the end. A temporary dead-end street shall not exceed 600 feet in length, and the temporary turnaround bulb must be constructed like a cul-de-sac, as provided in subsection (j) of this section. The city manager may authorize the use of asphalt or other durable paving material than concrete for the arc, or "wing," portions of the temporary turnaround bulb in order to minimize the cost of removing those portions later on. A note shall be placed on the final plat clearly labeling any dead-end streets, if any, that will at some point be extended into the adjacent property, and signage shall be placed at the end of the constructed street stub, such as on the barricade, also stating that the street will be extended in the future. Signage and lettering must be large enough to be legible by a person with normal vision at a 20-foot distance. Any required temporary turnaround easements shall be shown on the final plat along with their appropriate recording information, if they are off site or established by separate instrument.
(m) New streets which extend existing streets shall bear the names of the existing streets, and shall be dedicated at equal or greater right-of-way widths than the existing streets.
(n) Construction of new streets. All new streets dedicated within a subdivision shall be constructed in accordance with paving widths and specifications as set forth in the DCM manual at the time at which the preliminary plat application is officially submitted and deemed a complete application.
(o) Points of access. All subdivisions shall have at least two points of access from improved public roadways, as required by section 32-77(h)(4). All residential developments shall provide no less than one entrance for every 50 lots, or portion thereof, including dead-end stubbed streets that will eventually provide connections into adjacent future developments and thence to an existing arterial or collector street. Driveway access onto roadways shall be provided and designed in accordance with the DCM manual and construction standards that are in effect at the time the preliminary plat application is officially submitted and deemed a complete application.
(p) Streets will be constructed in accordance with the DCM manual and construction standards that are in effect at the time the preliminary plat application is officially submitted and deemed a complete application.
(Ord. No. 549, § 10.227, 12-22-2009)